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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  November 6, 2012 7:00am-10:00am PST

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the president's dizzying tour across the country marked an era before the president. >> from wisconsin to ohio and iowa defocused not only on the undecided voters but reenergize the loyal voters. from 2008 to cast a ballot again. >> it all comes down to you. it is out of my hands now. it is in your. the single most powerful force in our democracy issue. moving this country forward began with you. >> the president is in
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chicago today of a country gets up to vote. per tradition he will play a game of basketball with his staff before ending his day at mccormick place in chicago. if this is where he hopes for a repeat of the 2008 november by. >> the president already voted he did that during the early voting. today we expect the president will lie low perry was in the day with family and friends. he will do some satellite interviews. he did some pre seated until and abuse. perhaps we will see him out and about an chicago gritting in thanking volunteers after a very long campaign. >> reporting live from the obama headquarters in chicago i am renee marsh back to you. >> and take a look at the gop side the race is too close to call. mitt romney is still campaigning even today a family schmidt reports from boston. >> tonight mitt romney hostas election night rally here in boston. he is still on the campaign trail hoping to rain in some critical
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undecided votes in the critical swing states. >> a high-energy rally in new hampshire topped off an exhausting day on the campaign trail for republican challenger mitt romney. >> your primary vote put me on the pack to win the republican nomination. (cheers & applause) and tomorrow your boats and your work right here in new hampshire will help me become the next president of the nine states. >> he talked scotched the country yesterday getting crucial swing states conform to a visitor to a pile. attacking present obama on his record and citing his credentials as a businessman who knows what takes to fix the comet. >> file not in my time time try to pass partisan legislation does not relate it to jobs. from day one i will help americans get back to work. >> it is one of the closest presidential a legend and history. from the has to morning and read stops in ohio. a state many consider
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the key to the white house. >> they're always to put it together as opposed to some of the new expanding the map possibilities. pennsylvania is one minnesota is one. michigan is one based on one hole. but ohio is pretty darn important. >> his running mate are bryant this ohio and virginia. the romney campaign said it is going to work to keep the energy going to the polls close. >> he goes back out on the road to try claimed the big electorial prizes wedding in ohio and pennsylvania. in boston i am meremily schmidt. >> and martinez were appalled open we have will tran. >> they are walking in with their mail in ballots and that is because if you mail it to date is too late. you have to drop off in person or you come here to vote personally. those are the
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only two options you have a postmark will not work. >> there is a lot going on today what you expect. >> i expect a lot of activity throughout the county. we have a 576 polling sites. we expect a lot of voters to show up and a lot of voters dropping off their vote by mail ballots at local precincts. you can drop your ballot off at any precinct with in your county. btr is a price there's a new poll that says they expect more mail in balance this year than in previous years? >> the last presidential statewide we issue was about 7.3 million. this time it was 9.3 million vote by mail ballots that nearly one and half. they are trickling in a bit slower than they did four years ago. >> why are we seeing more mail in bows? if i to vote in person are we seeing more of those requests? reading it seems to be more
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convenient number one. no. 2 is a long ballot there are 11 state propositions. people go to both make up their mind ads on certain issues at different times. i think they like to keep their ballot around their homework and research. >> off also we expect 1 million fewer voters then in 2008. >> are you surprised by that? >> i saw that by the field poll. i am not surprised based on our ballot return we know will be slower than four years ago. >> you say with a mail in ballot there's a problem. signatures may not match as opposed to coming in. >> if they have to be about 8:00 election night. wednesday morning for the most part for giving the reds star does is close to the post office and picked up trays of boughs that cannot be counted. 678 may be as many as a thousand. no. 2 they have to sign the box on the envelope because we will check that against their voter registration form. no. 3 you have to compared not match. some
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about could be disqualified. the safest thing a voter can do is go to the polls and vote their because if you make it there before 8:00 p.m. you hit the target for the candidates ar we will count them. >> in the mellon ballot is cannot? >> there is about 1% 1 points on i% the will not be checked because they are late. or no signature. people need to pay attention to the signature. >> i know is a very busy day we will let you go back inside. >> andda given those voters are comingria in-- thank you will. >> we will continue our election coverage as the kron 4 morning news continues. here's a quick look outside. the golden gate bridge blue skies lot of sunshine. we are anticipating a warm day similar to yesterday's.
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77 for downtown san francisco later this afternoon 80 over in fairfield. declined to 84 in livermore. anyone in redwood city. 79 in hayward. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows fog returns especially to the coast as we head into tomorrow. thursday and friday umbrellas out because shower is widespread around the bay. morning fog and afternoon sunshine dry conditions and to the weekend. temperatures climb slightly as we start the next work week. >> right on cue the san mateo bridge starts to back up for the west bound ride. the drive time to now have 15 minutes. i think within the next 20 we could see that climb. starting to see heavier traffic all around the bay area. especially in the east bay. south bay
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freeways are getting busier. we are not tracking hot spots the we are looking at a little slowing around 92 and 84 and 101 on the peninsula. the north bay would ride has climbed over to 30 minutes from novato to would ride has climbed over to 30 minutes from novato to the north--golden gate would ride has climbed over to 30 minutes from novato to the north--golden gate that's elizabeth. and that's skyler... and his mom, nancy. they're just a few of the californians who took it on themselves to send you a message about what they need to restore years of cuts to their schools. prop thirty-eight. thirty-eight raises billions in new revenue - bypasses sacramento and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight.
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we are back in is 714 and in talking about sinc2010 decision
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2012. the biggest proposition is the one involving our schools and a lot of people. michael yaki here. a lot of people taken to the polls to teach their children about how to vote. there is about $120 million being spent on these three collections. 30 is governor brown's tax measure and-fast to save cut to the k-12 system. there is another proposition average person does that put on her thing for a great day-12. --k-12.
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>> i think the poll showed that proposition 30 is close it depends on the turn out. i think it has a very good chance of passing. proposition 38 has a much harder road to climb because the advertiser and has not started to the last weekend. before people were trying to make up their minds both of these are aimed at increasing funds for school. what is the difference. >> 30 best-proposition 30 is a combination of income tax increase in sales increase. there is a limit on how long the income tax increase is on 30. it is specifically to stave off budget cuts that are cut by the deficit from grades k-12. proposition 38 is only through gate grades kk-12. there is some issue about what commercial
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proposition 38 sang this one is separate from the legislation and and only goes to great k-12. in terms of the democratic machine proposition 30 has much higher up to its best. the way proposition 30 was written if both proposition passed proposition 30 will win. >> as we see people going to oppose the started earlier this morning and not in california for the last 15 to 20 minutes. the race is said and done in large part because that is in some e- mail in ballots as well. >> that is one of the interest in things that is why you cannot wait too long to actually put your campaign in gear. people more and more are going to absentee. two reasons. is much more convenient. to in a state like california people like to do other things. this is on of election day. we like to go out and part of the voting
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machines for republican and democrat is put your vote in now and then get going and call out on a g old tv weather is a nevada arizona or people are driving and flying to the east coast. a good number of people are not in the states that are campaigning elsewhere. >> you say that there are some things that people will be voting on today that did not get as much attention as you would like to highlight. >> from someone who used to be a local elected officials there are racists where people only care about these. yes there is a big presidential race. there is a good universal people for whom there are things on the ballot for themselves that make a big difference. an alameda we have a big race to replace an idea locklear. you have races fliers going out in san jose city council
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races. you have money been done in three supervisor races in san francisco. district 15 and 7. the new have some congressional races. or you have to democrats are two republicans running and you have one in the east bay between pete stark and eric starwell. it will be interesting to see how that plays out. they're a lot of local things people will be keyed on. >> 7:19 a.m. is the time if you would like to connect with michael yaki you can follow him the twitter at gawky block or his block michaelyaki .com. you guys were talking about proposition 30 in governor
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jerry brown we are waiting for him to vote. in oakland. add to speak about proposition 30. let's check out jackie sizzle. >> good morning marc you can see people will are in favor of proposition 30 in oakland hills we are expecting to see governor jerry brown arrived and come down this hill and cast his vote and about 10 minutes. he still lives here in the oakland hills this is where he goes in fact, his polling places right there. we expect to see him go in there by 7:30 a.m.. to cast his vote for president and proposition 30. after that he will come to the podium and addressed the media and talk about why proposition 30 passes in his mind. obviously we are at the mercy of the governor. as soon as he comes in he will take a live. and then we will hopefully carry his comments live also after he goes live on the morning news. >> we will go back to jackie shortly in here from the
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governor of reminder the kron for extended live coverage tonight elections starting at 8:00 when the polls close. you will stay up-to-date on our web site as well as well as our facebook and scooter fees. >> let's get to the way the department have a warm they attack us find out how warm erica. >> a chance. another toasty one which could break records for santa rosa and redwood city. yesterday was the warmest of the week. it will set off a couple of degrees still moving on to the sunshine clear skies as you head outside the door but it is a chilly start in the north bay. mild temperatures everywhere else 54 right now and half moon bay. in walnut creek also. as we take a look at satellite and radar high pressure is controlled we are seeing clear conditions however, that will start to break down we have a storm system a little bit of a call from coming in from the gulf of alaska. because he showers later this week details and the extended forecast. let us focus our attention on today and the
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numbers we expect seventies and eighties and south bay. fremont at 78. 79 for mount view and santa clara. 84 follows gatos. low eighties for fairfield. sunny conditions in castro valley 7983 in danville 78 in union city. another or to stay on tap for the north bay. santa rosa 86. that the record record. 784 vallejo. 77 in downtown san francisco and your your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows showers on tap thursday and friday. drier conditions by the week. to viewers will be below the seasonal average. we do is the climate to start the next work week. 722 of the traffic but morning george. >> true to form the san mateo bridge is a hot spot now. conditions are nearly stop and go across the span. the drive time is doubled up to 22 now 25 minutes. normally this is a 11 minute drive. this has been going on now for about the last
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seven or eight weeks. we hope that is tied to the construction over there at the base of a high-rise once that project wraps up conditions will return to normal. which is we usually have a trouble-free commute we have for years here at the san mateo bridge. at the bay bridge this morning the backup has remained fairly constant bridge. 880 is currently the best bet to the bridge. the golden gate ride the volume is up a bit. as we track the drive in the east bay will look first at the upper east shore freeway. conditions are now much lower than just an hour ago. drive times are at 24 minutes. from hercules to berkeley. it is heavier on south 680 especially leading into walnut creek. west 580 is very heavy and livermore. the south bay freeways and even 280 north bound started
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to slow along with the guadalupe parkway. in the north bay the drive time is 34 minutes from 37 down to the golden gate bridge. but we are still in to then freed for the 101 southdown ride. >> thank you george is 70 4:00 a.m. thank you for waking up with the kron 4 morning news on this tuesday election day when everyone is heading to the polls this morning. we will be back with our team coverage of decision to to 12 and just a couple of minutes. second live look at san francisco from our roof on this avenue.
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we are back in the 727 following politics from space astronauts on the international space station and a chance to cast their vote even though they are miles away. >> the eggs can be elusive i have the choice of scrimmage. >> risen control and his and e-mail the imbalance they fill them out that is the they did it. easy as it scrambled eggs in space. the system may get this thanks to a bill that was passed in texas in 1997 you think they would have figured that out. bay cast their ballots from space and here on earth and the bay area in oakland in fact now we have a live shot of going for jerry brown has just arrived. >> if there is a crowd awaiting to see him walk by as he is going to cast his
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vote for the all important proposition 30 which he is championing the selection. we will be back with more in championing the selection. we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. we don't call this our company, championing the selection. we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. we call this our mission. green toys teaches children that if i have a milk jug and i stick it in the recycling bin it can turn into something new. chase allows us to buy capital equipment to be able to manufacture in the states to the scale we need to be a global company. with a little luck green toys could be the next great american brand. find what's next for your business at
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welcome back 7:30 a.m. is the time. we are still waiting for governor jerry brown. we know that he has arrived and some of these people are waiting to see him arrive at the polling place. which is the image is the man. >> there is. he is on to cast his vote for the olive or the proposition 30 which he has been pushing for hoping to stave off big the cuts to education in schools in favor of an imbalance by race as a tack is to release. >> will be coming back to the shot in just a little bit. he will take his time ago in casses ballot and come out and is expected to speak. to hear his comments and as he makes them.
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>> luckily we do not have whether a ticket and our way. we are going down the line shaking hands. always the politician. >> this is make or break for him he bet the farm on this. he has made a drastic point that this is make or break for the schools as well. >> you have a $6 billion shortfall that will have to happen in january. we are talking about cuts from cape through 12 also the university system unless proposition 30 goes through. we will see six of in dollar/two education come january if proposition does not pass. it is packaged into it so if you do not have that data does not balance the need to make the cut is what his argument is. >> there are the cameras about to catch him casting his ballot. first we will get a look at the weather. good morning erica. good morning daria. another warm
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record-breaking day around the bay area. >> tonight we will start to see changes will return to the coastline and into tomorrow drastically cooler. we shave off about 10 degrees with the morning fog and afternoon sunshine. if you think that is a big change which uc thursday and friday. i will talk about the rain chances of my next report. >> tracking a hot spot the right across the san mateo bridge construction delays have pushed the drive time to twice the normal commute. 22 minutes from one end to the other. traffic volume thibuildup around the bay area. heavy on the east and south bay freeways. >> thank you george. on to were politics. one controversial ballot measures coming out of richmond which is drawn a lot of attention. the so the tax that measure will face a one penny per ounce tax on
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jewelry drinks. drinks like sodas, sports drinks, basically anything that adds caloric sweeteners. the tax would not apply to 100 percent juice drinks or on the sweetened milk as well. that is on the issues that are waiting the state. >> same-sex marriages on the ballot in several states in made maryland and washington state. if that are deciding whether to legalize same-sex marriage and if it passes in any of those states that will become the first time same-sex marriage is made legal by popular vote. up to now legislation or court order had made same-sex marriage legal. minnesota will vote to place a ban on same-sex marriage-- will vote whether to place a ban on same-sex marriage. voters in three states considering measures that would legalize recreational pot smoking. oregon and
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washington state. this will allow adults to possess small amounts of pot. and the trouble be subject to some state regulation and taxes. if the plan passes in any of those states and a legal battle with the federal government is likely. >> just released this morning and the field poll shows 51 percent of voters in our state will cast their ballots by mail. today's election is the first time that of mail in balance has overtaken the number of precincts ballot in california general election. an estimated 70 percent of california's registered voters will cast ballots for the selection. turn out was just under 80% in the 2008 presidential election. >> you can stay updated on all that is happening in the election throughout the day and tonight. we will stay alive on the air all night and you could keep updated on our web site as well as our facebook and twitter. we'll
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be back with more in a couple of minutes.
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>> waiting for governor brown to come out and speak his inside voting at his polling locations and oakland. the live and listen to the governor as his is the to speak in the next few moments. >> 7:38 a.m. and bay area news three women were arrested in the death of an infant and a san raphael care facility. san rafeal please call october 23rd that an infant was not breathing at the magic for a place children center. the boy died at the hospital and autopsy found that the baby was suffocated by betting. three caregivers were arrested yesterday. there were charged with involuntary mons manslaughter. of three women are in jail.
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the san as a principal charged with failing to report a teacher suspected of molesting several female students and a limited school has been found guilty. he is in jail the teacher. he is awaiting that steps have the principal alerted sooner they may have been at least able to save one bit. >> when you have a responsibility of hundreds of children in your care you cannot afford to drop the ball off and and and for the moment like that. it was just, she got horrible advice from hr and she did not do what she knew she should do. she had the job she did not act on it. >> she will face she could have faced up to six months she was his conviction of one single misdemeanor so she now has a $100 fine and 100 out of committee service. >> let us go live to governor jerry brown who just finished voting in oakland hills. i'm still
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going to have to maintain physical that steps fiscal discipline. >> have to be responsible including budgets and the years ahead. >> i think one of the most significant things of course is the secret money that came from arizona. this is the largest anonymous contribution and things have gotten worse. when i was secretary of state i sued the three oil companies for $95-to-$95,000 an anonymous donations now it is up to 11 million. that a serious violation i'm sure there will be an investigation extensive investigation going for. to find out exactly what it all to the donors. here is donors withdrew several committees. now in addition to that of course you have the budgets of millions of dollars and i
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would say that it will be hard to get money out of the ballot proposition business or even out of the campaign. the only answer will have to be more social media, more union involvement, more civic involvement, more ordinary people giving their small donations adding up to many millions of dollars to counteract those of you just write checks for tin or 20 or $30 million. >> yes i voted yes. one never knows and sent to were still voting i want to respect their choice on election day. i think everything i can tell the notion of taking their quarter percent sales tax and asking those were the top 1% to help was out in
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our time of need i think that is a proposition that speaks for itself. i would not be a bit surprised if the outcome was even more positive and most of you are probably expecting. >> tell us what your priorities have been the tone of the measure you will be watching. >> i will be watching for president obama is very important in times of health care in terms of and other investments. it would make a big difference. yes i am hoping that the president does well and that is a big issue because it is been a hard-fought campaign. i think there are two choices. just like proposition 30 are we going to vote to expand opportunity and use the public sector. the big issue is can people through their institutions of government do great things or can really do it to the private sector. there has to be a
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balance. this election is either more toward me and mine and the what i can do for myself or what can i do for myself with my neighbors with my fellow citizens and investing to our school district to our counties, to our president and congress into the legislator. >> the big issue the question is what is the capacity of america to invest through its collective institution called the government. a lot of people thi is only run by scoundrels and fools. and other people say wait a minute here we have our flaws but so does every other institution in this society. it is the only one where we come together to take care of the basic stuff throws for example. if you go down the street we need to have some road repair. if you look at our school as you will realize that is for our kids off if you look at all the other
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things america does have to take care of business. i think that that is a big issue. >> you have seen governor brown telling us how he voted this morning. his budget for californian has a $6 billion hold on it he could not get the registered started to raise taxes so he put proposition 30 on the ballot. very will follow the latest with the governor and be back for more alexian coverage as kron 4 news continues.
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good morning welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. the time on the clock is 746 atm we're taking it out side to the golden gate bridge. a record-breaking ticket today ahead. of the skies clear conditions and into the afternoon. it is tomorrow loss in the changes morning fog afternoon sunshine. and by thursday into friday so we loaded our umbrellas. full of details on what's ahead with the wet weather coming up in just a bit. futurecast 4 shows a to the topee of our yellow on the screen indicating where was he seventies. low 80s are to fill in for south bay. as the clock into motion by 3:00 p.m. wednesday more orange indicating where we will see the eighties. sampling the highs downtown san the cisco 79. 79 for oakland hayward. 80 in pleasanton. is probably the best a to go to the coast.
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santa cruz at 76. los seventies the moderate. as is light up the coast of this disguise. upper 60s for the bay. 70 if you're heading to ocean beach. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows wet weather on tap as we head into thursday and friday. >> it is time for gary's world. on this election day gary is a big fan of politics. we are talking to gary to look at sports through a political inspirit we are dialing him on the phone last-minute polling. already on the line? >> we're still waiting for him to pick up the phone. it could be crazy around election time have to get the kids to school. you have to find it appalling stuff. have to get your delegate to the polling place. some people like to take their kids with them when they vote. does it with gary has
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an my hi gary. before you be voting with or without the kids. >> about the kids. if that is is there is still so you do it without the kids. being in it are a huge political watcher like your exports watch it. >> what if i said i didn't want to at this point. >> i would say you must. >> here is the deal i will touch on football first because we had monday night football autopsy is to them about how well they will be speaking run in a bomb. >> you are like all that is depicted as anything. >> i want to pop point out that obamas as of in our school. >> i will be honest i was in between kron and is not one second. >> you say all the time that in sports and he said it to political reporters are like sports reporters " you lose a game your ball, you win the game your god. he said that. >> so he said that? >> you said that all the talk about sports. >> all the time. but
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kristin, do a good job. >> i hate to say i know that i originated that but is nice to know that mr. romney said what. >> romney said that will romney came out in new england--about the new england pages and he took credit for this level in 03 and 04 and it's a credit for the world sought series because is that it was governor of the time. >> i could bring basketball in as well. golden state was a close game they did not what offense my. >> know. >> mr. obama as you know big basketball player and you know gary this is extremely important just like you all in sports.
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>> what is this you all. somebody from connecticut you are you calling a lot. >> he has played basketball on election day the was the only time he did and in 08 he lost the are written ehrlichman. he will play basketball today chicago. i would be inseminated with you? what happens if you bought it to him and cut his lip or do something. >> first of all that has happened before and that as if you go light on him he does not like that he would not as bad. >> is this the most important election of our lifetime? >> this is a huge election the close as one of the most expected one ever. >> this really will be honest with you out as woke up i stayed up late watching reruns of all the cable shows. is everyone still sang get even. because ps is even pretty even. >> another thing about sports and elections as the
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endorsements. lebraun came out and said he don't know if it is bad for brant by andorra's i am endorsing obama i am supporting obama. i thought you watersports got at least coming out in doors are not. >> that is one of those deals i want to work is obama becoming president is such a historic thing because of the african- american deal. i am not someone will get mad and interpret is wrong, he would have to really do something unsettling to have guys who backed the athletes and high-profile people to change their minds. >> here is one of j. cutler, is a bit chicago bears fan. j. cutler has endorsed romney. well there you go. >> i think that while there is not generally in
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hollywood or a sports a huge amount of dissension. even the president of the heat he gave to romney. so you have lebraun all he wanted me to name pat riley with for running. it to divide families it could divide teams. >> you know what is interesting they both are opposite. there is nobody was set well they're both of little bit alike. the only thing they're all like about is that there are driven man who want to run the country. >> absolutely and romney does not play basketball. >> will tran announces vote it will be settled today. state and to kron will see you on the air tonight. >> see you gary will be ♪ [ male announcer ] start with an all new award winning car. good.
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we are back at 70 6:00 a.m. you're looking at video congressman paul ryan casting his ballot. he showed up with his family and james hill wisconsin. he is the gop vice presidential candidate. he was there with his three children were in marked his ballot and turned it is the with the folks. he did not have to wait long and light he made it to the front to cast his ballot and good a media opportunity. after voting he had to campaign stops in ohio and virginia before election night rally with presidential candidate mitt romney. that will be in boston. >> will take a quick break at 7:57 a.m. coming a live look outside from our mount tam cam. we look at san francisco. grade looking weather for today very similar to yesterday's nice and warm unseasonably warm. if you'll be heading to the polls the weather is on your side. it would not last long things will chill down a bit
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as we head toward the back end of the week. we will be right back.
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(male announcer) live from the bay area's news station, this is the kron 4 morning news.. election day is finally arrived all the speeches and interviews the to this day. is a race as too close to call with both canada's coming in italy. it romney and president obama showing 49 percent of the disco. with emily schmidt joining us live with the romney campaign. tonight mitt romney will be on the stage behind me as a election night headquarters. he has a lot of work to do before that. his order critical swing states try to reach undecided voters. >> americans lining up at the polls and what to be the closest presidential route elections in history. republican challenger mitt romney has reminded supporters every vote counts. he and his wife cast
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their ballots this morning and belmont massachusetts. before leaving for campaign events in pennsylvania and crucial swing states of ohio. >> i think people in a pile know that will decide the next president. that is a good shot of that happening. we all care very deeply about mile. >> running mate paul ryan joined romney in cleveland ohio. >> (cheers & applause) last night a high energy rally in new hampshire top off the campaign trail. your primary vote put me on the back to winning the republican nomination. (cheers & applause) tomorrow your votes and your work right here in new hampshire will help me become the next president of the nine states. >> he hop scotched the country getting crucial swing states from florid to virginia to ohio. attacking president obama on his record and shouting his credentials as a businessman knows what it takes to make the economy. >> i would not fix my time
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trying to pass part of some a decision from day one i will work to help americans get back to work. >> the romney campaign is going to keep working to keep the energy going until the polls close. after mitt romney voted he was asked how you feel about a while. he said i feel great about a while. and some of the radio interviews he's been doing in swing states he said he put it all on the field. we know we have left nothing behind. mitt romney will watch the election results with his family in boston. live in boston i amemily schmidt. thank you kelly. >> is out of my hands down it is in your spirit the single most powerful force in our democracy issue. moving this country for the dance with you. >> that was the president last night as he spoke to supporters of a final rally in iowa. it was late at night after he had already
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done a full day of campaigning now the president rested chicago and lakes. with see what happens. and per tradition there will be a little bit of activity that is when he plays basketball game a pickup game with staff and residents of chicago in downtown where he will be waiting at a hotel to find out if he gets another four years in office. the president and first lady did the voting early. vice- president joe biden will join the obamas in chicago now he has cast his vote in delaware. >> here in california the future of education will soon be decided by voters as to propositions on the state ballot and to give more money to education for tax increases. one is proposition 30 which is backed by the governor. governor brown designed the california budget to include the revenue for proposition 30. proposition 30 fills the room is six man dollar hold of the california budget. the cuts will come from education. 4.5 billion cut from k through 12 education been a shorter school year. $500 million were being cut from
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public universities which leads to possible tuition increases and your glasses. proposition 38 is a competing proposition that insures the money will the schools. proposition 30 only does that for the first year. the one with the most votes when it both pass. here is governor jerry brown walking to vote in oakland this morning. the governor speaking shortly thereafter. showing his support for proposition 30 as the as the cameras in the state for much backing his opposition which is a big part of the california budget. >> and other parts of the country we have all kinds of obstacles to voting from whether with sandy power outages. here we have a nice beautiful easy day. i erica. >> good morning daria today's the last day of record-breaking temperatures. it will be another gorgeous of plenty of sunshine. the cooler start to morning we have lingering ford is in the north bay. into the
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afternoo guys temperatures in the '70s and '80s. it will be cooler compared to yesterday's. into the evening hours it will turn. here's a look at numbers. 58 in san jose now. the same goes for oakland. concord you are at 53. 57 in san carlos. >> thank you erica. we continue to monitor slow traffic at the bay bridge. also at the san mattel bridge for the west bound ride. not as bad as the last time we checked. i am no longer calling it a hot spot. however a check shows that we have a fair amount of heavy traffic. most of the east bay freeway is running at full load. south bay is heavy at 28085 and 101. moderates a heavy conditions for the peninsula. the same for the month bay with the ride on 101 southbound will take you
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about 40 minutes from 37 to the golden gate bridge. >> thank you george 8:05 a.m. is the time and our into the voting in california. will tran will cover cover at the costa county voting place. >> it is a board to drop off your mail in ballots today if you do not do it to day walkout tomorrow. people were waiting outside as early as 6:00 a.m.. they did not know that it opened up at 7:00 a.m.. people are anxious in this area to turn out and vote because they felt it was important obviously for them to have the vote counted. keep in mind this is the first year in california for the general a election where will have more mailing ballots the people actually coming take a look at your screen we have bullet point
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for you if you are one of those people are sitting on a mail in ballot at this time. keep in mind you have to drop off at a polling place in the polling place by 8:00 p.m. tonight. if you mail it to day it is postmarked today they will get there it according to the people of the registrar's office they say no it does not matter it has to be in their hands by tonight. we talked to them at 7:00 a.m. they said one of the most heartbreaking things in terms of running an election is to stop by the post office to borrow and come back with nine or 1000 ballots that basically mean nothing because they cannot be counted and it turned in to recycle paper. you have to come in and here is this gentleman that is turning out. the see of it to talk to him. >> sir we are with channel for why did you mellon ballot as opposed to coming over there and voting a person? >> honestly, i just had a
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family at home and business to run. i do not always have time to stop the business to come in and do it that way. >> how come he did not met last week? >> i actually did i got back because i forgot to sign it. >> in a rush and for it to the simplest things. >> thank you so much so now you're vote should count he is marking it off. everything is all systems go for this gentleman. perhaps it is the best thing to do for you to drop off so you can get it personally looked at by the people at the office to say yes and no your good to go. if not they will sing you and give you a pen and you sign it. your signature has to be similar. it doesn't have to be exact as in previous elections. it has to be similar. >> what did the registrar to stimuli this morning? he said a lot of people forget the signature seems simple people forget. and there was a guy. >> i have proof which it saw him he had to commit. it tried to mail it it did not work he got it in here at
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least he can do better. by the way he forgot to get one of these stickers. people want to drop by to get a i vote sticker. thankou y will. the time --we will be back.
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the importance a cycle ohio and florida here's a look at orlando on the left-hand side. on the right we have blue-ohio. you can see the long line that voters are facing. in many precincts they have to wait from one to four hours to cast their votes. we're lucky here in california the voting going smoothly. so for our weather is great. we have no sense to deal with. power outages flooding are any glitches that cause the polling places to back up. we will keep you posted throughout the morning on election night with the results. the results will be coming into kron 4 started to 8:00 p.m. and will last until the results comment. you can't see results on our website facebook and whether we will be back with more in a moment.
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we have our kron for political analyst ykis. is its new soon to say that- michael yaki. the numbers will come in very fast. is possible you can see certain trends. first states will come in will be on the
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eastern seaboard in hampshire, virginia and florida. that will really be whether or not it will be long or short night. in terms of the presidential race. we'll have all local coverage here. the east coast polls closing at seven we will get the results coming in. which do you look for more or i'll 4 as the one that a bit of that record. >> i think the first one is virginia. those polls close at 7:00 p.m. to as 4:00 our time. the numbers to come in about 7:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. our time. if virginia is trending towards obama it will be a good night for the president. it is not in will be a lone night. the event for president obama is he has many more pathways to get to 71 that mitt romney does. if for example he does not when virginia it is ok. but on the other hand a lot of romney pathways require florida and virginia. you have to see that as it flows over when
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ohio comes in and that will be the real test. >> the mathematicians have broken down it looks like there are 400 or more ways for obama. when you look at what the formula and what it would take it is limited. >> it is a much more limited pass at it and realistic pass a very few options as compared to president obama. >> compared to zero, that special while they have more provisional votes. those to not have to be fully counted until the resisted. is it possible this could drag on. >> for two things at a possible with all i want if the race is somewhere between 100 and hundred 52 logic thousand to the two then yes the provisionals will make a difference because it would depend on how they break that could make consequence on the final outcome second if they finish close between 15,000 so that as the automatic trigger for a recount in ohio. my gut feeling is we may not get their but i do not know, what do i know?
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giving more than the average joe. >> if you are a romney supporter this is what you're thinking. you are hoping that the polls are skewed that they are not measuring the actual intensity of your turn out. you had better get out to vote operation mccain did in 2008 that involved in to help the trend line to different. what you're seeing is all the polls are broken toward you the last week. the basically if you look at every single poll that's come out 95 percent of them have obama ahead one or two. in at least all the swing states. for you is a question of turnout. forgetting those people suppose. it is the same adage people may say i liked this candid i am going to vote for him but the real question is are you actually going to get to the polls about the ballot and get out of both. you can take the horse to water but
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that you have to make him drink. >> when we talk about physical obstacles and helping voters get to oppose it is ok to stick them on buses and dry them. like they have to do back east because of sandy. they have power outages. i think was 800 polling places have no power without is down to 100 that is a lot of people. >> and even for seniors for long lines of warm weather makes a big difference. there are questions of interpretation if you are in a live at 7:59 p.m. or they obliged to keep it open even if the polls supposedly close at 8:00 p.m.. there are basically about 5000 places all of the country with the papers being ready to submit because they understand and people are trying trthat it was the polls at the last minute. depending on how long the line to our it depends on how long the polls will be
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opened if the states. >> important toemember that for want the popular vote by 1000 votes but lost the election. the only possibility is if obama was an electoral college and romney was a popular vote. it is probably because of two factors if that happens because of democrats turn out and york and new jersey. and a lower turnout in california because of wanting to win. >> will check with michael route the evening he will be your starting at 54 our election coverage. you can connect with him through twitter his handle its adyaki block. a reminder of our coverage that is it kicks in at 8:00 p.m. when the polls was start to close and then we will stay updated nonstop coverage all night. and go to our web site this book and sweater. >> the weather is nice route the bay area.
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>> good morning marked gorgeous weather already it is a bit cool we have upper 40 start date. fifties' everywhere else. we will certainly heat things up as we head into the afternoon. could break records center rows of redwood city on that list. cooler compared to what we all locations sitting in the '70s and '80s. satellite and radar shows clear conditions of the bay area now. high pressure is in place it will start to break down we have more sure to talk about in the shape of a cold front from the gulf of alaska. cooler conditions into tomorrow what weather on tap for thursday and friday. focus our attention on to date futurecast 47 for 12:00 plo on your screen indicating where you will see the seventies. seventies were the peninsula east bay shoreline and coast seeing low 80s trickle plan for our and the spots. the livermore valley in portions of the south bay. yesterday's we picked up a
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90 degree reading for gilroy. a couple of degrees cooler into your afternoon highs. we're talking upper 80s. you can see the orange keeping it in the '70s for the coast and the peninsula. neighborhood by neighborhood 79 on tap for mountain view. eighties for sunnyvale. 83 in cupertino. as we turn our attention to the east bay 80 for fairfield 76 for san leandro. another gorgeous day for the north bay with napa at 82. the same for petaluma. downtown san francisco at 77 and 78 expected in berkeley. your kron 4 7 day around the bay forecast shows cooler conditions into tomorrow. it will stay dry thursday and friday however, a different story get your umbrellas out. inland highs only upper 50s by friday. dry weather morning fog that afternoon sunshine into saturday and sunday. it gave a couple of degrees as we start the next work week george.
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>> thank-you erica the bridges are not looking to that but we have a fair amount of heavy traffic on the freeway. let us get to it. looking at the bay bridge first year it we are backed up to the edge of the macarthur maze. most of the heavy traffic of 880 approach is confined to the right line. heading to the open toe and the toll plaza. where we saw stopping the conditions of the last hour on highway 92 the san mateo bridge we do not now. it is a better ride. a lot of people have bailed out to the dumbarton bridge because the nimitz southbound is quite heavy. the golden gate bridge looks great. a beautiful drive for marin county and the problems across the span. >> as we look at the traffic maps i told you at 80 west bound heavy commute to 26-27 minutes with the ride from hercules to berkeley. . the san ramon telecommute is low. 101, 280, 85 of the
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major routes and the south bay heavy not heavier than usual but good about the spirit in the guadalupe parkway is low. the marin ride is close to 41 minutes from the bottle to the golden gate bridge. the heaviest traffic is confined south of highway 37. james. >> thank you george just into the kron 4 news from a power outage the east bay pg&e confirming 3200 of its customers in fremont are without electricity. that outage started around 630 originally. at that time some 7000 customers utility companies expect have everyone up and running by 10:00 a.m.. the outage was caused by a transformer that blew when a mylar balloon came in contact with one of its lines. the time is 80 4:00 a.m. back with more in a minute. is 80 4:00 a.m. back with more in a minute.
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welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. decision 2012 president obama making a surprise visit he is visiting campaign workers in chicago. it is a chicago where the president was in the inning. it thank you mark we want to hear what you thought about the elections so far. >> our first ss our facebook question have you made your mind that says have you made your mind about the president chelation and changes during the campaign. >> gregg says i was undecided early on i voted obama last time but had
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become a very underwhelmed by him as president tariff after the first debate it was settled by voting romney. and the says this morning " i was undecided regarding voting for a third-party or obama but ultimately i cannot stomach the idea of romney winning and will be voting for a bomb. >> monica says her mind was " made up at the very beginning never changed it and still happy. join the conversation facebook .com /kron 4. it kron 4 will have extended coverage this evening when election it starts at 8:00 p.m.. you can stay updated on our web site (male announcer) live from the bay area's news station, this is the kron 4 morning news. as well as our facebook and twitter feed. the time is a 20 9:00 a.m. we will be right back.
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>> molding this country for begins wit moving this country forward begins with you. >> just released this morning 51% of voters in california cast their votes by mail. estimated 70% of
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voters will catch their borders.votes. >> proposition 32 will bans money taken from paychecks to be used for political purposes. they state that this only will banned unions only. proposition 33 will save that drivers will produce a carried insurance with another company it will allow them to change insurance companies and still keep their discounts. some say this is just the trick that allows them to only raise your premiums. this was a similar measure
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like this in 2000 and 10. >> two propositions on the state ballot is aimed to get more money to schools. the big one is a proposition 30 who has the back up from governor brown. if 30 fails it will push the state to immediately cut $6 billion from the budget. this will bring massive cuts to education. this may lead to a shorter school year. this may also bring tuition increases. 38 guarantees said the money will go to the schools and prom party only does this for the first
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year. prop. 38 is more widespread. >> things are a lot more quiet out here. jerry brown voted about an hour ago. this is the key proposition that the governor is stumping for. he has put a lot of his political equity into this. he stated that this could be dire straits four california schools if it doesn't pass. you concede him in the polling place and people brought their dogs. he went to work and he was in the polling place about 5 to minutes. he went in front of the media and he had about
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two dozen supporters of proposition 30. he talked about how confident he is about a passing. >> i think this has been a hard fought campaign. i have a sense that people are ready to invest in their future which is the kits.ds. if we get this done will be a lot better off. i am still want to have to maintain fiscal discipline. i will have to run a responsible budget ahead. >> the proposition right now is sitting at 48% approval. 38 percent are against it. hall is the government want to spend his day. he stated that he would drive to family property and that he was want to go on a hike. >> will keep you posted on
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kron4 morning ns ewop this election. we will be right back in a few minutes.
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>> what if you are out of
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the country? >> if you are in space you can still bolt. astronauts can still vote by e-mail. they can get an e-mail version of the ballots and then they can send it back down and they are completed. this is possible from a bill that was passed in 1997. >> voters out voted in raleigh, north carolina.
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here are voters and north carolina. we will have expanded coverage tonight. we will have nonstop coverage throughout the evening. you can check the latest on
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>> i hope everyone exercise their right to vote. if you have to stand in line you should stand in line as long as you have to. i am filling pretty good. >> that was a vice president
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joe biden after he cast his vote this morning. the state has voted for the democratic candidate in the last five presidential elections. >> the polls are open and this is a big decision for us to make. >> president barack obama and republican mitt romney made their last repeal to voters. obama axed people in ohio for four more years. >> the reason why we're here is because we have more work to do. our work is not yet done. >> romney told people in florida that it was time for new leadership. >> and he has not. i will >> romneys are running mate paul ryan and echoed this.
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>> we do not have to settle for this. we can do better than this. this may be the best the barack obama can offer but this is not the best that america can have. >> but vice president joe biden told them. >> presidential elections are all about character. this is the most important ingredient that a president must have to lead the world. president obama has a character. >> boaters and new hampshire were the first to cast their vote. for the first time in history the vote was tied. aubade and obama and romney's pros were tied. i am it pain reported >> chiched payne reporting.
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>> california's than $4 million on capital punishment. and it has only been 13 executions. this breaks down to about over $300 million that have been spent on executions. here is the latest field poll the states that 45 percent are in favor and 38 percent are against it and there are 17 percent of the there are undecided. noontim >> we saw our record- breaking heat yesterday and today we are expecting to see more sunshine. >> it is a beautiful day to
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get out on the water but today may be the last. >> we would just have to wait and see what it is a gorgeous day outside. you should take advantage of this. right now is still on course side and san jose is at 63 degrees. we are not saying morning fog. the high pressure will start to weekend and we will not see any wind any more. full details on this will become an up with your extended forecast. >> by lunch time all of this yellow on the screen at a case where you will see 70's. on is will be where you will see 80s. we will continue to gain a couple of degrees by mid. a warm
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one regardless of where you are located. you should keep your shorts and tank tops handed. that afternoon highs will be 80 degrees for a sunnyva and 60--81 degrees for d oakland coming in as 79 degrees. the fault will return for tomorrofog will retur tomorrow. saturday and sunday will be dry but will continue to sit morning fog and afternoon sunshine. it
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is now 8:50 a.m.. >> we're same better conditions said the bay bridge. the back up is getting lighter from 88580. the drive time has dropped to 16 to 18 minutes. not the heavy traffic that we typically see for the last couple weeks. the golden gate bridge is at its heaviest so you will see slow traffic from the slow tower to the toll plaza. >> the ride in marin county on 1 01 south bound. if there is a fair amount slow traffic here it has actually gotten a little bit heavier. this is not a hot spot but it is a 43 minute drive. look as south bay for way it is still fairly heavy all time. the back up 185 has
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shifted farther north. 101 is still fairly heavy especially from the 280 interchange. for your ride on 80 in the westbound direction is still slow ride. the trip over to iran, will be slower than usual. >> if you are wondering your polling places that we have special coverage on our web site. will also have kron 4 video set up as well the will take you through election day with all of the proposition and videos. we will have extended coverage on line and on the air. do
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not forget about the updates onur o face book, twitter page and
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with lysol disinfectant spray. and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health.
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>> on the left you can save up in fort myers, florida. this is also in woodbridge, virginia. these are two key states for the battle president's.. back east there is a lot less problems with the lines in the polling places back east. addis over 50% of people who are milling in their boats. do not forgive
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the to define your polling spot on our web site. >> there is warm weather expected again today in the bay area. it will cool down for tomorrow and we will get ready for a little storm that role in towards the end of the week. iwill have a 25 degree drop as we head into friday. we have showers that are on the way. >> coming up we will have more on election day. we will have our coverage coming up next. we're keeping our eyes on wall street. we will talk winners and losers with a rob black coming up at 9:15 a.m.. we are tracking the hot weather around the bay and will will tell you how hot it will be. we will let you know whether not any records will be broken.
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>> thank you for joining us on election day. >> the race is too close to call and the campaign is not over. mitt romney continues to make campaign stops. we would checking with emily who is joining us live from boston. >> the campaign trail is stretching just a little bit longer for mitt romney and paul ryan. they are expect to go to cleveland, ohio just one more time. >> americans are lining up but the polls which could be one of the closest presidential elections in
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history. mitt romney reminded them that every voter accounts. him and his wife cast their vote this morning. is there left and went to pennsylvania and now they're headed for ohio. >> and we all care deeply about ohio. >> paul ryan will join mitt romney in cleveland. >> last night a high and injuenergy mitt romney it was " speaking last night. tomorrow on your boat and your works will help me become the next president of but nine states. he hit a crucial step is from florida, virginia and ohio. he stated that his
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credentials as a businessman will show that he has a knowledge of best- >> from day one i will help americans give back to work. >> mitt romney has also been born radio interviews and some of the battleground states. he said that by the time he returned to boston he will watch to the election with his family. he stated that he put it all on the field and he stated that he has not left nothing behind. >> we heard from mitt romney from emily. renee is with the bombing campaign in chicago. >> we will see reporters packing to the headquarters here at mccormick place in chicago. he would take to
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this stage at some point to give a victory speech. at this hour both canada's have already cast their ballots. >> people are in line across the state and noteworthy ballots are even cast. >> are you fired up? >> this left the president with a tear in his eyes. i >> we cannot be stopped. and after all the we have been through together and after all the we fought through we can i give up one change now. his it tore across the country marked and error and his final presidential campaign. >> from wisconsin, iowa and ohio he focus not only on
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the undecided voters but felt loyal ones as well. >> it all comes down to you it is out of my hands now. is it yours. the single most powerful force in our democracy is you. moving this company for begins with you. >> the president is in chicago today what the country is out to vote. per tradition he will play basketball with his staff. he hopes for a repeat of the 2008 november the ninth period to >> he will be lay low spending time with his family and friends and he will also do some satellite and abuse. you may see him out and chicago same banking to all of the borders. reporting from chicago i renee. to >> continue when our team coverage california polls
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opened. >> it is off to a fair start and many people have shown up. you can stay here is a letter dropping off her ballot. there are more people doormen elan ballots because it has been easier for them to door >> and they get the little box and send it man. keep in mind if you do do it this way you have a couple things attract keep in mind otherwise it will not count. >> why is it important that you drop off your valid? >> postmarks do not count. if you put in the mail today we will get it tomorrow and we cannot count because it is late. are you surprised that people are door mellon
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ballots now? >> not really because it has been growing and run. we have not reached this point yet. >> as far as turnouts. a field poll said that fewer people will turn out this time than they did in 2008. do you think there is an explanation for this? >> i do not that that there is a lot of excitement. we had lines out the door and we were getting more votes and we are now. this is telling me that there's less interest. >> with the mellon ballot you could drop off here and someone will check that off for you. we have had many examples of this and some of them were returned. >> if you do not sign the box we cannot counterbalance. so we send it back let you know that you have to go to a polling place. we check the
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signature and you have to assign your exact signature. does it have to be in your hand by 8:00 p.m. tonight? >> we cannot throw away but we cannot count. if you want it to account and you have won by mail you should drop off in a polling place in your area. >> there are people right here at the polling tabled on their votes. keep in mind that you should try if a lot sample ballot a home and that way you will not spend as much time on it here. they will not be able to release the results so you can now be able to go on-line and check it. >> what are you noticing about people who are coming man?
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>> there's so much for you to vote on and there's a lot of confusion in the words. a lot people are spending more time here and if that brought in their sample ballots. what is their average time? >> people are spending about 15 to 20 minutes. especially if they have to read the book about the propositions. if you are not fully prepared you will have to spend more time. we are good to go and we will get a peek around noon. today is the day that we all turn out. >> it is now on 9 away a.m. and we will be right back in a couple of minutes.
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>> we are back following the latest with the we had one that we have been watching and a second one pulled up and then vice president paul ryan hop on. this is an informal stop in cleveland, ohio. they're
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both in this as you be in there just headed out. paul ryan is headed to richmond, virginia. we have mitt romney heading to that-they both watched the returns come in. we have vice president joe biden making a stop and all higher. we do not know what he is doing is an unscheduled stop. we did hear from president obama this morning. >> i just want to say that me and michelle are very grateful for all of you who have invited us into your neighborhoods. in some cases you worked very hard on our behalf. after all the
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tv ads and all the fund- raisers it comes down to this. these folks who are working so hard making phone calls making sure the people bottom vote. i just want to said that to the american people and the ones who have gave me great optimism. i have so much confidence and wisdom. ordinary people that are working hard trying to move us for. i also want to thank mitt romney and i know that his campaign is just as enthusiastic. we feel confident that we do have a votes to win and i want to
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encourage everyone on both sides just to make sure that you exercise your right to vote. people fought very hard for us to do this. >> we will continue to fall the campaign and will take a quick break.
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woman: oh! tully's. how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa. and you'll always find your favorite. woman #2: with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. lie and we are watching the dowel
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>> we are watching the dow. you do not want a recap. and you do not want a delay due to absentee ballots. you want certain see whether or not is obama or romney. whoever wins will want congress to get the message and that we should work on this fiscal year. if it is split we did little but a bipartisan should so the will to work on some issues. wall street will soar. >> roseanne barr is not the one that good in the polls. >> another loser that we are born with is apple and intel. this is years in the making and this will not happen overnight. the
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architecture of the phones and the tablets are always a way that intel again. they are exploring how they can drop chips. apple is a control freak and they believe that they can do it. they are ready do with the apple iphone and ipad. the operating system is starting to become irrelevant and microsoft have to come out with their own. it is all about apps and this is one of the advantages that apple' pass. some say the they have another five years. >> suzuki issued that they will no longer have their cars in the u.s.. that will still have the 80s and motorcycles. >> i thank all the people have sizzled these are on
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the fog. they are getting out of business and they're not the only ones who are getting out of some people look at amazon dock, and they do not do business in europe. this just makes sense and this is in in an opportunity for suzuki. a lot of japanese companies are struggling and the bell out money. >> you also get today shipping and it was 79 a year. now they're down a monthly subscription. they are laureen the cost and they are competing with google and catholics. this is amazonsnets flicks. they are lowering their cost and this
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is widely being reported and this is more bad news for net catholicsflicks. >> amazon gears household goods that can come to your home. mack-- >> i do not want to see you without your makeup on. >> less but a look at the weather. we are starting off with a lot of sunshine. you can see that there is lots of blue skies. the temperatures will be comfortable and let me just back this up. i want to
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show you where the conditions are extremely gorgeous. we are expecting temperatures to be near record high. we will not see as many records fall but we probably will see temperatures get up to the '70s and probably some 80s. this will bring patchy dips fog for our friends in the north bay for later on this weekend. this will impact your commute for tomorrow morning. this is what is going to change low pressure will come before thursday. we will see temperatures cool about and see showers may be the thunder showers along the coast by thursday and into friday. >> temperatures 4 to that will be about 84 degrees for the inland locations.
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wednesday will be the transitional bay where temperatures will fall and the low 70's. showers thursday and friday and will not be a lot of moisture but it will be definitely cooler. the good news says it will be more snow for our friends in the salt lake tahoe area. they do have a winter advisory for--they may even see frost in the morning and some fall on saturday and sunday. temperatures will top out at low 60's for saturday at mid 60s by sunday. >> we are tracking a couple of hot spots and it is taken awhile for things to get this bed. 680 northbound and
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danville and alamo there is an accident blocking lanes. not only is the slow out of san ramon it is still backed up in to walnut creek on the southbound side. this is created a visual hazard. another hot spot and this is 41 01 nort 41 01. the sensors jt updated and a shortage clear. this is a little bit slower than with the censors are indicating. looking at the bridge here is the bay bridge west about is starting to see the in the back up. the san mateo bridge did not get any slowing as it normally does. it was heavy around 7:30 a.m.. the golden gate bridge is passed the peak periods
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>> is 9:23 a.m. and we will be right back.
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>> will come back. >> every vote counts periods, >> a ballot was the bill to the astronauts and they just have to send it back down when they're finished. this law was passed in 1997 in texas. >> will have more with our election and the weather. >> there is a fear among of
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sunshine and the traffic is backed up at this interchange. [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet
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on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> welcome back to kron 4 morning. this is one of the last nice days of the year. >> you should enjoy this while it lasts. we will not see temperatures like this for a long time periods a lot of sunshine and will be one once again. that is attached cooler than what we saw yesterday. it is still will be challenging to see the record's there will be set. tomorrow it will be patchy and dance in certain areas. still for the afternoon it will be sunny. it will be unsettled for thursday and friday and we are looking at much cooler conditions for thursday, friday, saturday and sunday there are no excuses for you to get out to the polls.
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>> it is 60 degrees in oakland and oakland is. when i e back with talk about the change in the weather pattern. >> as we continue to track a few of the delays. on interstate 680 northbound there was an earlier accident and as you can see it has created a visual hazard. it is backed up the traffic into san ramon won 680 northbound and last check it was to lanes blocked. we're still recovering from the back of 11 01 northbound. this is because the crash that occurred woodside and this accident is not of the way spirit >> is now on 9:31 a.m.. a
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field poll shows that people in our state will cast their vote by mail. this is the first time these have taken precedence over the people that come man. the turnout was just under 80% in the 2008 presidential election. >> more on the propositions. we're talking about proposition 30 and 32. 32 will band money being taken out of paychecks using it for political purposes. those against the status that it will only banned unions from contributing. prop. 33 would change current law to allow insurance companies to set prices whether or not the driver care insurance those int that it will allow the change their insurance
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companies and keep their discounts. those against it say that there was a deceptive trade the will allow insurance companies to raise premiums up. this was a similar measure like this on 2010 that failed. >> as we take a look at the propositions. they aim to give money to education through tax increases. if property has the backing of the governor. will force the sto cut money from the budget fails periods this will bring massive cuts to education. this may lead to a shorter school year. there also be more tuition increases. property guarantees that the money will go to the schools and prom 30 only does this for
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the first year periods from 38 is more widespread and whoever measures with the most will win. >> i am in oakland and you can see that people are still turning out at the polling site. about two hours ago the governor cast his vote to periods anytime the governor is here it is a big deal. there was about a two dozen supporters who were here. he was greeted by his four legged friend. he moved to sacramento but he still lives in oakland. he wanted to talk about proposition 38 because he
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has invested a lot capital on this. he desperately wants this to win so that he does save money for the schools. we did have a chance to speak with him after he exited the ballot both periods he was surrounded by supporters. he talked about the chances of passing. this has been a very hard fought campaign. i have a sense that people are ready to invest in their future and their children. a balanced budget going forward is what we need periods if we get this done will be a lot better off. i like to caution you that i will still have to maintain fiscal discipline. i will have to run a very responsible budget and the years ahead. >> the last poll taken before the election had that 48 percent approval. 38
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percent were against it. we asked him what he will be borne for rest of the election day and he stated that he will be going with his family and doing some hiking. >> it is now 9:36 a.m.. >> one controversial ballot is about the richmond soda tax. this includes sports drinks and any that contain sweeteners. this tax would not apply to 100 percent juice drinks or on sweet milk. >> these high school seniors are not old enough to vote but when they walked up to the mike to argue against that they stated that it is important for people to
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understand how to vote to periods >> this english teacher, one of these 12 students to participate in this debate assignment. >> the obesity rate for students is very high periods this steady earlier showed that we have record hikes of obesity. it is important for people on the health academy to investigate these issues and because that not only affect the students here but the community and the families as well. >> 52 percent off students here are overweight or obese periods >> this controversy arose so the tax has put richmond on the map nationally. city officials said that if a pass as other cities may also follow suit. they
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stated that companies have put millions of money and advertising to persuade restauranresidents to vote agait it. >> voters in three states will consider measures that will legalize the measures of marijuana. this will allow adults to possess a small amount and is still will be subject to state regulations. if passes it will be a legal battle that will go to the federal government because marijuana is illegal. >>
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>> ♪
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[ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale...
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♪ ...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious. >> three women have been arrested do to a fat been killed. the police received
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a call back on october 23rd about an infant that was not breathing. the boy was later pronounced dead at a hospital. the corner determine that he was suffocated. the three care givers were arrested yesterday for involuntary manslaughter. their bail was set at $75,000. >> the san jose principal who felt so reported teacher who was suspected of molesting children has been found guilty. the teacher is in jail and he is awaiting his trial prosecutor stated that the principle should have alerted police sooner. they stated that the principal will face six months in prison and she was convicted of a misdemeanor. she has at $100,000 fine and
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a hundred hours of community service. >> take a live look outside on this tuesday morning, election day. we have a little back up here on the bay bridge. >> you are watching our new laws. the principal was charged for not reporting. she has been found guilty and she faces a fine and 100 hours of community service. the teacher is still in jail awaiting his trial. >> the 22 year-old man accused of smashing the when
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tollwindows of a bus this stating that he is not guilty. he was arrested tuesday after a photo was posted online that showed him using a barricade to smash the window. the police are still looking for other people who are a part of the vandalism. their photos or also captured on video. >> the president is in chicago while the country gets out the votes. he will be playing basketball with his staff which is a tradition. he hopes for a his staff which is a tradition. he hopes for a repeat periods the president and there's a big advantage pares can give tir kids -- makingure they get active least 60 minutes day. studies show th physical activi t only helps kidsay healt, an enhanceimportant il,
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like concentration ich can improve academicerformance. this means phycal activity can helpour kids in the most important game of all -- life.
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>> i hope everyone exercise their right to vote because this is a great honor and you should stand in line as long as you have to. >> i feel pretty good. >> this was vice president joe biden when he cast his vote this morning. the delaware area has voted for
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the democratic in the last five presidential elections. >> president barack obama and republican mitt romney made their last appeals to voters. in columbus, ohio obama asked for four more years. >> the reason why we are here is because we have more work to do. our work is not yet done. >> romney told voters that this time for new leadership. >> you what hope for president obama to live up to his promises and he has not. i will. >> from his running mate tapaul ryan did the same thing. >> this may be the best that barack obama can offer
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but this is not the best that america can have. >> vice-president joe biden stated that bombing is the best choice. >> this is what a president must have to lead the world president obama has the character. >> voters then knocks bill, new hampshire was the first to vote. for the first time in history their boat was tied. obama and run a boat capsized boat is each periods >>mid romney both were tied. >> we also have all the information on the
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propositions and the videos that we have done on kron 4. you can get analysis from our web site. this is our plan right now on kron >> we will have all of the local races covered with our extended coverage there will started a o'clock p.m.. it will take you through the evening. >> the morning. you have to enjoy this warm weather because i do not believe that was see more of this in a long time. there is a lot temperatures today and it will be a record high. he will not be as norma's yesterday. this evening lake
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patchy fog will commatemperatur6 degrees in downtown oakland. livermore is in the upper 50s and a round about it is about mid '60s. this is a nice day to be on the coast and if you are lucky to have today off. high pressure is in control so we do have lots of sunshine. we are not worried about clouds. tomorrow will be a transition day and thursday and friday will have a chance of showers. our future cast shows the temperatures will be comfortable by noon time. it will be the 70's and all wars indicates 80s. as i put
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this into motion by 3:00 p.m. along the coast and in the city it will be about 70 degrees.the same dellas for napa and the santa rosa area periods the highs were you live neighborhood by neighborhood. >> mountain view will be closed 80 and san jose will be at 79 degrees. powell will be in the lower 80s. cupertino will get to about 83 degrees. for the east bay location will be mid-70s. it will be 83 in danville and in the north bay it will be a really nice day. it will be 81 for samaras selto an offer sunglasses for today. here is your 7 day around the bay
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forecast. when still will be cooler and it will be low 60's for the coast. thursday and friday you will need sure numberless. it will not be a lot rain but you will still noticed the difference. upper 50s for friday and saturday will be a little bit milder periods. and look at your morning traffic with george. >> we are still trying to on one a few backups. the salmon run valley have backed up traffic at 680 south bound. this is rare that we see traffic this so late in the day. the northbound ride is still backed up into san ramon periods we had a late spot
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for the peninsula 101 period there were. as a second crash occurring here which left traffic flow from highway 237 period here is the y bridge westbound and there's hardly any delays. the drive time is than closer to 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge ride this problem free as it has on all morning long period of heavy traffic has cleared out. they have added a third lane and the northbound direction. >> just dance. word that fresno police are responding to a triple shooting at a workplace. this is at that apple valley farms warehouse. cost of the local
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police department have not yielded any response. we're still trying to get more on thiss a becomes available. it is some 9:54 a.m. and will take a quick break.
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>> we are watching the bottom around the bay area this morning. as you can see the lines and wisconsin. this is a lutheran church where people are lining up. 51 percent of californians are voting by mail. if you need to find your polling spot you can go to our web site and putting your address and it will tell you where you can go to vote. will also have a picture of the ballot. our complete coverage will be tonight at 8:00 p.m.. thank you for joining us and we hope you have a good day.
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